Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pissing Excellence

Hm, I think, as this is a new phenomenon for me. So I cogitate if anyone actually read these, I wonder if I could piss as much excellence as the next blogger. As I sit here surrounded in strangeness of both yours and mine. Does any of it matter? Can one "piss excellence" (in the words of fellow peers)? Further more, can you buy this from someone? Would that be perplexing if one walked up to you and asked if you had any for sale? I'm sure like anything else, this can be accomplished. Eccentric I know, but let's face it, does my thought matter from yours. Maybe its a compulsion to be different from you. As this is a passion almost, both to "piss excellence" (a conforming ideology) and be addictively irreplaceable concurrently. After all when it comes to blogging that seems to be the logic, plus its just another way to keep tabs on someone else thoughts, so to speak. Out there fully exposed.

This idea of conforming, it's competitive and yet rebellious, all the while, addictive. Addiction is strong and concurs my pure existence as it consumes my inventory. Having cataloged a position of high ranking, can it be dribbled out, just as it oozed in? People watching has shown that possible it can with some true inner revolution. On the outside, watching some stranger swagger down the hall, it obvious, but (oh wait, I'm not suppose to use but), Hm, on the contrary, the swagger prance is oblivious. Oblivious to his outer bulge. As each man's bulge is different, I must admit. I'm not speaking of sexual, although I might have to ponder this idea as well, because there again carvings arise. Anyways, do you, or rather, can you realize your own dependence?

At most I piss a good 90% excellence, yet it's still not good enough. I try to be good at it. I try to hide it as well. Masked by addiction, covered in ignorance. Can I alter this? Do I want even want to considering it works for me. And the more comfortably blunt I become, others become seemingly strange. As your strangeness is my fuel to piss, I pound away. Oh hold the keyboard, can you overdose on excellence. HA HA that would be a great news headline: Breaking News . . . this just in . . . Bacaw just died from an overdose of excellence in his piss. HA HA Nah, that's just silliness huh? But might make the news more interesting. Maybe the front page of some local newspaper could read, "I put my chicken in a box for you" (yes I still on this). Nonetheless, this too could never happen. HA HA Yet my dream of writing, or rather my horoscopes implication has brought me here, blogging about randomness that makes little sense, is sort of way to publish my goods, yet I urn for true publication, verification, and some how revenge.

1 comment:

  1. You found out how to use the thesuarus! I'm so proud of you!! *pats your head*
