Friday, January 23, 2009

Life without SEX

I cant even imagine, can you? Maybe the only possible way would be to never have been exposed, I suppose. But hell I've known about the birds and the bees since I was a youngster. LOL. I learned quickly that this was at the top of my list of favorites. So for me, I can remember at time I disliked it, but maybe that was the other person's lack of knowledge on the subject, or maybe it was just that person's lack in general.

But seriously, if one had sex, can they live without it again? Or rather live happily without it? I can not think the last time I went without for longer then 24 hours. oh and if porn counts, then it would be at least every 10 to 12 hours. But I not bragging, I am just curious, is this normal? I know that I am married and have no worries, but I wasn't always married and never went without. Oh, wait . . . does that make me a whore?

I mean when it comes to the rest of the population, ha ha well what is left, doesn't everybody get too deep? Doesn't everybody hurt themselves? Apparently, NOT. Maybe I am the crazy one.

Maybe this is just one more thing to add to my list of addictions. Man that list just longer everyday. Maybe the idea of addition is happiness, maybe I am crazy. But either way, I am content.

Maybe moodies just need to be sexed deep and hard, while others need soft and sensual but not matter how it happens, they need it. Sex is the answer to a moodies tude. So next time you are moody you can remember that you just need some sex. So is porn part of sex, I mean I know it's an act of sex, but does it relieve tension like the actual act would?

Porn, it's not for everyone. But I like it. I like that I can with it anywhere, in front of anyone, without privacy. Yet they have no clue!!!! I find humor in some of it and 70 it to all those who appreciate it. But I'm bored with it. I need to be 68ed. I share with you and plug great webites. I know I haven't found them all, I realize I emailed you a list, a page length list, but nonetheless, there has to be more. GET BUSY!!!

But seriously, I haven't looked at any in a long time, so maybe there will be new stuff, I should go check!!! I would have plugged but I'm not pissing up to par this morning after all it is 10 am and I've already got porn on my brain.

BuT I may never truely understand this withdrawl from fanastic sex, but I know I could live without it. Its a staple.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, deep and hard? Maybe that's just what I need!!
